Thursday, January 15, 2009

True Benefit Comes From Faith

WT, 12/19/08, p.4-5

Of course, engaging in such a struggle is tiring, but unless we make this kind of herculean effort, we can't expect to triumph over momentous opposition and obstacles when they threaten.

Irresponsible people don’t really appreciate how difficult it is to overcome obstacles. I hope that the youth, our future leaders, will be wise people who actively seek out challenges and never lose their sense of gratitude whatever happens.

Different times in life require different responses. There are times when we’ll need to wisely save our energy. There are times when we’ll need to strive with all out dedication and sincerity. There are times when we’ll need to rest to prevent exhaustion. I hope you will always proceed with wisdom. But no matter what the situation, never lose sight of kosen-rufu and the path of faith—promise me that. I’m counting on you!

When we challenge ourselves in trying times, we can accumulate tremendous benefit. Benefit is manifested in many different ways. Sometimes undergoing a trial that seems more like punishment opens the way to happiness. It’s like surgery or an injection—they may hurt, but they can restore your health. Even in the most desperate of circumstances, if we challenge ourselves through strong faith, we can gain true, great benefit. This is the profound teaching of Nichiren Daishonin.

[In “On Persecutions befalling the Sage,” Nichiren writes to disciples who are battling persecution for their faith in the Mystic law: “Although at present we are encountering the severe trials of persecution, in our next life we will become Buddhas. Our present tribulations are like moxibustion; at the time, it is painful, but because it has beneficial aftereffects, the pain is not really pain” (WND, vol. 1, p. 998)]

We should take a long-term view with regard to the appearance of genuine benefit. If we remain steadfast in faith, no matter what happens along the way, we will definitely win in the end. Of this there is no doubt.

michele's thoughts

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