Monday, March 16, 2009

deadly serious daimoku

happy kosen rufu day! 

i really feel like this is our time to determine that each one of us has to have a personal victory and show actual proof, no matter how impossible or outrageous our goals may seem.

many of us have been battling all kinds of devilish functions, large and small, and our daily daimoku may have become stagnant or out of habit rather than out of sincere conviction, hope and faith. 

well, let's make today our reset day. let's really determine to chant "deadly serious daimoku" and set up the conditions for a brilliant victory this year.

sensei says it best:
To My Friends 3/16
The blazing torch of kosen-rufu
is humanity's hope.
You each have a profound mission.
Resolutely accept and succeed
this legacy.

To My Friends 3/14
Let's thoroughly win in life with
an invincible spirit
[to never be defeated].
Let's smash through every
adversity with indomitable
and unyielding optimism.

From Today and Tomorrow - Daily Guidance
March 16, Kosen-rufu Day. The spirit of this day lies not in magnificent ceremonies or high-sounding words. It lies in being victorious. That is the most crucial thing in all endeavors. In life and in kosen-rufu, we either win or lose. I would like you to be absolute victors in both. No matter what excuses we try to make, giving in to defeat brings misery and loses us the respect of others. I hope each of you without exception will adorn your life with indestructible triumph.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Economics vs. Human Revolution - No Contest!

Daisaku Ikeda, president of the Soka Gakkai International, recently encouraged members regarding the economic crisis. He said the key is to focus on human revolution.

Excerpt from...
Let’s Strive Together for a Year of Victory!
February 20, 2009 WT – Seize the Day p. E

We are in the midst of what is being called a “once-in-a-century” financial crisis. What is most important at this troubled time? Of course, wise and decisive measures need to be taken in the political, economic and international arenas. But there is something else that we must not forget.

On New Year’s Day 1946, as Japan was still suffering from the aftermath of its defeat in World War II, Shigeru Nambara, president of Tokyo University (present-day University of Tokyo), gave a radio address in which he said, “An even more urgent priority than institutional and structural reform is an inner revolution, a revolution in people’s hearts and minds.” Nambara saw this as “human revolution.”

At that time, Mr. Toda had already embarked on his struggle for kosen-rufu, based on his conviction that awakening people to the Buddhahood inherent in their lives was key to freeing them from suffering and helping them on a fundamental level. People are the focus and heart of everything. Unless people themselves change at the innermost level, any reform or improvement will be lacking a vital element.

Nambara concluded his radio address as follows: “Sacred Mount Fuji illuminated by the morning sunlight of New Year’s Day seems to me a symbol of a new future. With fresh hope and courage, let us press straight ahead on the road that lies before us, no matter how filled with adversity and difficulty it may be.”


The idea of human revolution was also emphasized by (French author Andre’) Maurois: “The most profound revolutions are spiritual. They transform people who, in turn, transform the world.” He discerned the fact that the human revolution of a single individual is the true starting point of all change, writing, “A single individual, whether hero or saint, can set an example for the multitudes, the emulation of which can dramatically transform the world.”

We must see to it that the 21st century is a century of human revolution. Humanity as a whole must now turn its focus to this fundamental path.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

True Benefit Comes From Faith

WT, 12/19/08, p.4-5

Of course, engaging in such a struggle is tiring, but unless we make this kind of herculean effort, we can't expect to triumph over momentous opposition and obstacles when they threaten.

Irresponsible people don’t really appreciate how difficult it is to overcome obstacles. I hope that the youth, our future leaders, will be wise people who actively seek out challenges and never lose their sense of gratitude whatever happens.

Different times in life require different responses. There are times when we’ll need to wisely save our energy. There are times when we’ll need to strive with all out dedication and sincerity. There are times when we’ll need to rest to prevent exhaustion. I hope you will always proceed with wisdom. But no matter what the situation, never lose sight of kosen-rufu and the path of faith—promise me that. I’m counting on you!

When we challenge ourselves in trying times, we can accumulate tremendous benefit. Benefit is manifested in many different ways. Sometimes undergoing a trial that seems more like punishment opens the way to happiness. It’s like surgery or an injection—they may hurt, but they can restore your health. Even in the most desperate of circumstances, if we challenge ourselves through strong faith, we can gain true, great benefit. This is the profound teaching of Nichiren Daishonin.

[In “On Persecutions befalling the Sage,” Nichiren writes to disciples who are battling persecution for their faith in the Mystic law: “Although at present we are encountering the severe trials of persecution, in our next life we will become Buddhas. Our present tribulations are like moxibustion; at the time, it is painful, but because it has beneficial aftereffects, the pain is not really pain” (WND, vol. 1, p. 998)]

We should take a long-term view with regard to the appearance of genuine benefit. If we remain steadfast in faith, no matter what happens along the way, we will definitely win in the end. Of this there is no doubt.

michele's thoughts

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra Vol. 6

The important thing is love and compassion. From that understanding all a couple can do is chant daimoku together with their sights set on lofty goal and strive for true happiness. Even married people were once strangers. Without patience and the effort to understand one another, thing are not likely to go well. Patience is necessary for a couple to live together, earn a living, protect their home and educate their children while dedicating themselves for the sake of others. We need patience in order to become happy. There are many who dream about happiness without being patient. But that is merely a dream; it is a fairy tale. It is to wish for childish, easy life. This illusion breaks up many marriages. The pursuit of such happiness can only end in misery. It is important to make steady efforts to construct something together. From there, real love develops. Real love means wanting to live with the other person throughout eternity. Real marriage is when you have been married for twenty-five years and feel an even deeper love than you did when you first met. Love deepens. Love that does not is merely on the level of simple likes and dislikes.

michele's thoughts
i used to think marriage and my life did not have anything in common. now that i have crossed paths with a beautiful person that i believe is the one for me.....i can't stop thinking and chanting about the possibilities. not to mention, there has been so much talk lately about love and marriage. AND the celebrations of nuptials seems to be spreading amongst the youth. the universe has produced yet another dose of hope.

Friday, December 26, 2008

From Today Onward - Daisaku Ikeda

If you underestimate the power of Daimoku and use other strategies you will lose in the end. You can accumulate good fortune only when you fight for Kosen Rufu without begrudging your life. Unless your prayers are united, the fight for Kosen Rufu cannot gain momentum. No matter what anybody says or does nothing can defeat the power of Daimoku. But without action you cannot call it faith.

The Gohonzon can penetrate through everything. The world of faith is very mystic and once you become serious you can gain one thousand times or ten thousand times more benefits. When you chant abundant Daimoku, you have the power to open even the heaviest iron doors that stand in your way; that is you can overcome the most massive obstacles in your life. You can definitely change your negative Karma. The world of faith is the place where many of us, all of us, chant powerful Daimoku in unity, thus creating power like the forces of a huge wind.

There is nothing but Daimoku. Daimoku determines everything. Daimoku has more power than one million guidance’s or one million books of philosophy. Chant abundant Daimoku and pray to the Gohonzon. Ask the Gohonzon for whatever you need. Everything will come true as you wish and the path of Kosen Rufu will open up in front of you. Everything depends on how much Daimoku you chant. When you chant a lot of Daimoku you will naturally feel that you need to study more. When you chant abundant Daimoku, your work will become fulfilling.

There may be times when you will experience great suffering and deep sorrow. There may be nights when tears will not stop flowing. There may also be times when you are terribly hurt. At such times my heart will be open for you. I am always here to listen to you. I will share your tears with you. You don’t need to tell me anything if you are happy. I can tell just by looking at your face. Just tell me about the problems and pains that you have. I will carry half of your burden and walk together with you.

michele's thoughts

wow! this last passage warms my heart and makes my heart feel sooo full when i'm feeling alone, lonely, empty, lost, confused, depressed, and sad. i'm chanting for someone that i can see, touch, hold and cherish to love me this much. i'm chanting so that my life and my heart will be open to recognize and welcome this same type of love........whenever the time and opportunity presents itself.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Way We See Ourselves

Deriving self-worth by comparing ourselves with others is one of our most destructive habits. It may even be described as a form of self-inflicted violence since it weakens us by de-centering our existence in the sense that it shifts the center of power to decide the meaning of our lives to the outside. We let others decide what our happiness is instead of deciding for ourselves. With the power of self-determination lost to external authority, we are neither free nor independent. Since we live in a competitive society where this sort of comparison is encouraged and often unavoidable, it is a difficult habit to break, but to do so is crucial to our genuine fulfillment and freedom. [From Shin Yatomi's 'Buddhism in a New Light' p. 30]

michele's thoughts:
every time that i read this i think about how often i do this without even realizing it at the moment. 'self-inflicted violence' ..... 'crucial to our genuine fulfillment and freedom.' DEEP!