Monday, March 16, 2009

deadly serious daimoku

happy kosen rufu day! 

i really feel like this is our time to determine that each one of us has to have a personal victory and show actual proof, no matter how impossible or outrageous our goals may seem.

many of us have been battling all kinds of devilish functions, large and small, and our daily daimoku may have become stagnant or out of habit rather than out of sincere conviction, hope and faith. 

well, let's make today our reset day. let's really determine to chant "deadly serious daimoku" and set up the conditions for a brilliant victory this year.

sensei says it best:
To My Friends 3/16
The blazing torch of kosen-rufu
is humanity's hope.
You each have a profound mission.
Resolutely accept and succeed
this legacy.

To My Friends 3/14
Let's thoroughly win in life with
an invincible spirit
[to never be defeated].
Let's smash through every
adversity with indomitable
and unyielding optimism.

From Today and Tomorrow - Daily Guidance
March 16, Kosen-rufu Day. The spirit of this day lies not in magnificent ceremonies or high-sounding words. It lies in being victorious. That is the most crucial thing in all endeavors. In life and in kosen-rufu, we either win or lose. I would like you to be absolute victors in both. No matter what excuses we try to make, giving in to defeat brings misery and loses us the respect of others. I hope each of you without exception will adorn your life with indestructible triumph.